Sunday 23 February 2020

One gift I love to share

It’s simple really: God loves you. He loves you as you are. And when you know this, can begin to build the best relationship of your life.
Picture: Dylan Ferreira/Unsplash

God loves you, me, and every individual in the whole world. His love is deeper than the ocean and higher than the sky. And when we try to understand God and His whole height and depth, we are out there with the theologians, and the scholars, and the great people. But we don’t have to be.  

God keeps it simple. He loves you

This doesn’t make your life perfect. We still have to go through the ‘mountain-top’ moments and the rotten times when we feel we are lost in darkness.

But we are never alone

And when we develop a relationship with God - through prayer, reading His word and talking with others - then we have the strength to be resilient in our trials. God helps us make sound decisions in the good times, too.

God helps you sort through what is worthwhile and what isn’t

You don’t have to prove yourself to him. You don’t need botox and lasering, you don’t need that great job or a latest model car to impress God.

God wants to walk with you

Pray to him every day, and listen for His answers – that come silently in your heart.
We rush around so much. We’re time-poor and information-overloaded. We don’t have time to think things through. But we gain a stronghold for our lives when we turn to God in prayer.

How do we find God?

Online is good: you can call up the Bible; you can find daily prayers; you can listen to Christian talks and songs.

Of course you can buy a Bible, and lots of good books by Christian writers – as long as you are lucky enough to live in a free democracy.  Not everybody is so fortunate.

In fact, it may be those unfortunate enough to be denied freedom of worship and freedom to buy a Bible who most treasure that gift, that secret and immense knowledge: God loves me.

Join us for coffee and friendship, we especially invite young mums to get in touch through the website or at